Universitat Rovira i Virgili


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Within the framework of the ETSA Tutorial Action Plan, all undergraduate students have an academic tutor who accompanies them throughout their careers in order to give them the tools to successfully solve the challenges proposed in the university.

Assignació de tutors/es

This accompaniment is organized in three stages and each one is coordinated by a different tutor.


All three Professors teach subjects that can be found in the curriculum of each of these stages in order to facilitate the meetings and to ensure that all students know this tutor directly. On a regular basis, tutors contact their students at least once a quadrimester to arrange a meeting to discuss the evolution of the course and, if necessary, to resolve and / or provide guidance on some academic aspects. However, more informally, tutors resolve small academic issues or uncertainties on an ongoing basis throughout the course. In addition, the communication between student and tutor is developed through the moodle space "Academic Tutoring".

Dean’s Backing Unit

Unitat de Suport a la Direcció


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